
Jim Wallis 6-10-2009
Few biblical figures stand out for their bravery as Esther does. Faced with a looming order for the systematic extermination of her people, she risked her life and broke the silence.
Elizabeth Palmberg 6-01-2009

In March, the Obama administration appointed J. Scott Gration as the U.S. special envoy to Sudan.

Jim Wallis 4-14-2009
In an op-ed piece in Monday's Wall Street Journal, on
Becky Garrison 4-08-2009
On the anniversary of the 1994 Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda, I was invited by Miracle Corners of the World to attend a ceremony held at the Church Center
Jimmy Quach 4-07-2009
Today the world is remembering Rwanda and the genocide that started there 15 years ago.
Elizabeth Palmberg 4-06-2009
Sudanese President al-Bashir's recent v
John Prendergast 3-24-2009
I have a confession to make. In the ninth year of the 21st century, and on my own 46th birthday, I may be the last activist left in America that has never penned a blog.
Jim Wallis 3-19-2009
Here we are again, and again, and again. It is not a new message or a new concern. People have been suffering, starving, raped, beaten and killed year in and year out.
Charlton Breen 3-17-2009
I was on a conference call for an hour and a half last week. It was intense. I haven't fully calmed down from it. I paced back and forth in the living room for a good portion of it.

Seth Naicker 3-06-2009
I guess that people are on a journey when it comes to faith. Some admit to being on a journey, while there are those who state they have arrived.
Kaitlin Barker 2-25-2009
I recently heard a voice from Darfur. She sat on a stage in front of me, not on the pages of the newspaper, and Darfur's resilient voice said, "The crisis has turned our lives upside down."

Charlton Breen 2-24-2009
The United States has recognized that genocide is taking place in Darfur, Sudan. That recognition is now five years old.
Leaving O'Hare airport on the afternoon of election day, I was somewhere near Greenland on a flight to Europe when the captain announced the results.
President Obama,

Elizabeth Palmberg 10-06-2008
In last week's debate, Gwen Ifill, Sen. Biden, and Gov.
Jim Wallis 5-28-2008

The genocidal situation in Darfur continues to worsen, with more killings and increased attacks on peacekeepers.  All the efforts to date by the U.N., the U.S., and other governments have failed to stop the atrocities. 

In this morning's New York Times, the Save Darfur coalition ran an ad with the message: "We stand united and demand that the genocide and violence in Darfur [...]

United Methodists in the U.S.

Mark Bixler 4-01-2005
The young refugees had come through almost unthinkable terrors to a strange, strange land.
Elizabeth Palmberg 9-01-2004

Even as atrocities in western Sudan have drawn the world's focus in recent months, there are signs of hope elsewhere in the nation, which has been ravaged by civil war for three or four decades.

Elizabeth Palmberg 8-01-2004
What part of 'never again' do we not understand?