
Troy Jackson 12-10-2008
1968 was a year filled with tragic deaths, of young leaders lost.
Jim Wallis 10-20-2008

My stock pick for the day? Hormel, the makers of Spam. Since May, Spam has been reporting record sales. It is one of the first moves for many families when they need to cut back in their food budgets. So BUY, BUY, BUY!

Jim Wallis 10-15-2008

In case you missed it ... The conversations that ensue from any post I write vary widely in their civility and productivity. "A Pastoral Strategy for an Economic Crisis" certainly stood out.

EricHS put it like this...

Jim Wallis 9-30-2008

We are all familiar with the crazy-looking street preacher in some public square haranguing every passerby with a message of doom and gloom while holding up a sign that reads, "Repent, the end is near!"