
Theresa Cho 1-13-2011
Growing up, the use of inclusive language was a foreign concept.
Biblical wisdom teaches that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. The holiday season is a season of feasting and of celebration.
Jim Wallis 12-21-2010
Sometimes, a friend can send just the right email at just the right time.
Some people in the world are large. They occupy a large space, cast a large shadow, reach for large and lofty goals.
Justin Fung 12-15-2010
This past week I was afforded a sneak peek at the forthcoming PBS documentary The Calling, a two-night event abou
Theresa Cho 11-29-2010

In 2004, I was the 40th Korean-American clergywomen to be ordained in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. denomination. Forty seems like such a small number when you consider that in 2011, Korean-American Clergywomen (KACW) will be celebrating their 20th anniversary. However, many Korean-American women are still wandering the desert of the ordination process without a rock, well, pitcher, or even a drop of water in sight to quench their thirst to serve as God has called them. There have been times when we wished there was a Moses to break the rock or the obstacle so that freedom and the ability to serve as a minister of the word and sacrament would gush abundantly, but the reality is that many Korean-American women cannot find calls or find the support they need to find a call.

It had been a busy semester and the Tuesday before Thanksgiving I arrived back home from an exhausting American Academy of Religion meeting.
Ernesto Tinajero 11-19-2010

Posting an unpopular position in a blog post online can be a bone jarring hit to your ego. Many people will come out of the woodwork to claim you have brain damage. Such was the result of my post last year about no longer supporting football on Christian grounds. I stopped watching football because of the new research that shows that playing the game will, in most cases, lead to brain damage. I could not, in good Christian conscience, support such suffering simply for my watching pleasure.

Becky Garrison 11-15-2010
How are we to respond as people of faith to the recent revelation that more than 66,000 civilians have died in our two wars?
I am not happy with the results of the 2010 elections. I think the elections turned on misinformation, anger, and fear.
When the nation is the object of one's highest concern; when national documents are considered holy scripture; when the nation's founders and historical figures are lifted to the status of demi-god
Like many others who are currently unemployed or partially employed, this seminary graduate finds herself with unexpected time on her hands.
Eugene Cho 8-12-2010
Several years ago, I spent several hours/week doing research (and meeting with other pastors) about pastoral health and vitality for my denomination.

Troy Jackson 8-05-2010
"I'm against you guys." A middle-aged man from Cincinnati proudly wearing an American flag on his T-shirt defiantly uttered these words to me a few weeks ago in Columbus, Ohio.
Once again, Glenn Beck has waded into theological waters beyond his depth.
Brian McLaren 7-12-2010
Here are some of my favorite women writers of spirituality and theology in no particular order with short comments on why I recommend them.