
Jennifer Kottler 3-26-2010
I get asked often how I can stay in the crazy business of trying to change and shape public policy.
Troy Jackson 3-26-2010

From the window of my hotel room in Bethlehem, I could see the "security" wall that separates the West Bank from the rest of Israel.

On Saturday when the House of Representatives passed the health-care reform bill and on Tuesday when President Obama signed it into law, many of us who have been advocating for health-care reform s
Julie Polter 3-23-2010
Alas, simply reading a book won't make you a better person.
Andrew Wilkes 3-22-2010
Our experience of the world is increasingly mediated through intricate matrices of Internet networks.
Jim Wallis 3-18-2010

On Sunday, a major march for immigration reform will take place in Washington, D.C. Tens of thousands of people will gather to call on the White House to lead, and put forward an immigration reform bill whose time has come.

An immigrant woman's testimony, as told to Juan Daniel Espitia, a pastor in Solana Beach, California.

Christine Sine 3-18-2010
Today's Lenten prayer comes from Cesar Chavez (1927-1993) -- Mexican American farm worker, labor leader, and civil
Jarrod McKenna 3-17-2010
Through tears I write this post as breaking news of the Waihopai Plowshares activists have been found by a New Zealand jury "NOT GUILTY!"

Jim Wallis 3-15-2010

Last week, when radio and television talk show host Glenn Beck said that social justice i

Eugene Cho 3-09-2010
I wanted to share a bit with my blog community about the ongoing tension of balance, priorities, schedules, focus, goals, etc.
Christine Sine 3-02-2010

This morning as I was sitting reading my Bible, I caught a glimpse of the Olympic mountains out my window. They were covered in the early morning light which reflected off their snow-covered peaks. It only lasted for a few minutes, but I drank in the breathtaking beauty of those minutes in silent prayer to God.

Shane Claiborne 2-26-2010

Something sort of mystical and magical happened after a 19-year-old kid named Papito was killed on our block a few weeks ago. As our neighborhood ached and grieved and cried with his family, we began to create a memorial for Papito where he died