
Ronald J. Sider 4-17-2009

If a budget is a moral document, what should be said about the president's proposed budget for 2010? I focus here on what this budget proposal says about justice for poorer Americans.


Diana Butler Bass 4-17-2009
Wednesday morning, at 9 a.m. sharp, I took my tax payment to the local post office. When I handed it to the clerk, she said, "I hate tax day." I replied, "Not me.
Cesar Baldelomar 4-16-2009
As Christians, our continual task is to explore and mediate on Jesus' teachings, as well as to emulate his deeds.
Bart Campolo 4-15-2009
I often tell people not to ask me for statistics because in this work all the statistics are bad. Ask me for stories instead, I say, because even in the worst of times I always have a good story.
We cannot avoid death and taxes. Our own death is an event that we only face once.
Alan Bean 4-14-2009
No one is saying that Ted Stevens didn't lie about unreported contributions. But the government has to play by the rules even when the defendant is guilty.
Chuck Collins 4-13-2009
Where are the prophetic voices on the topic of taxation this April 15?

Jim Wallis 4-09-2009
Last week, before the budget vote, I talked with several senators on the phone as they were about to cast their vote. The ones I spoke to were friends, and I told them that I was praying for them.
Bob Greenstein 4-07-2009

I've been asked for a few words about how the recession may affect poverty in the United States, and also about policy issues related to poverty that have emerged from the economic recovery legislation and from the budget debate on Capitol Hill.

Ray Offenheiser 4-07-2009
The realities of global poverty are very stark.
Sharon Watkins 4-07-2009

Some might say that this is the worst possible time to have a Mobilization to End Poverty. An elder of a church I served once told me, "You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their checkbook register

Dave Donaldson 4-06-2009
I've been asked to comment on churches that are more conservative, predominantly evangelical, and how they are coalescing around poverty reduction.
I would like to address the foreign affairs portion of the president's budget.
Cesar Baldelomar 4-03-2009
Jesus, who was a Palestinian Jew living under Roman occupation, preached a message that was anti-state and religious imperialism.
Brian McLaren 3-26-2009

Some might say that this is the worst possible time to have a Mobilization to End Poverty.

Jim Wallis 3-24-2009
Next week, leaders of the G-20, the 19 countries with the largest economies and the European Union, will meet in London.
Cesar Baldelomar 3-24-2009

Twenty-nine years ago today, a Salvadorian government hit man assassinated Archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Romero as he was saying Mass in a convent. News of Romero's assassination sparked a slew of global responses -- from sadness and outrage to impartiality.

Onleilove Alston 3-19-2009
During this Lenten season The Poverty Initiative is inviting you to join us as we reflect on the last week in the life of Jesus and the last year of
Elizabeth Palmberg 3-11-2009
[continued from part one] Recently, Neil Watkins took some time to answer a few questions fr