
Jim Wallis 8-23-2010
For the sake of resting my soul, while I was on vacation with my wife and boys, I was sure not to watch any cable news.
Jennifer Kottler 8-19-2010
In Sunday school many many years ago, I learned the Beatitudes.
Duane Shank 8-19-2010
All around the United States, high school and college football teams are beginning to practice for the fall season.
Melvin Bray 8-18-2010
Islam did not attack America on Sept. 11 -- terrorists did.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a courageous and intelligent woman. Born in Somalia, she immigrated to the Netherlands in 1992. She served in the Dutch parliament from 2003- 2006.
Troy Jackson 8-17-2010
Sometimes space is warranted. We need boundaries when relationships are difficult.
In the story of Jesus' conversation with the Samaritan woman at the Well of Sychar, we see a man and a woman from two different tribes that hate each other.
Julie Clawson 8-05-2010
As a writer with a public blog, I've become used to getting hate emails. Sure, some people might leave offensive comments on a blog, but the real vitriol gets reserved for emails.
Julie Clawson 6-08-2010
I've become used to seeing images of protests on the news recently.
Rose Marie Berger 6-12-2009
In March, I had lunch with Asra Nomani at Sticky Fingers, the vegan bakery across from the Sojourners office.

When President Obama was giving his speech in Cairo, I was just across the Red Sea in Aqaba, Jordan, and caught a glimpse on a corner store TV, the translation making it hard to hear his words.