
Mimi Haddad 1-23-2009
Have you ever noticed how scripture celebrates our interdependence, our mutuality, and our oneness as the church?
Joseph Lowery 1-22-2009

God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, thou who has brought us thus far along the way, thou who has by thy might led us into the light, keep us forever in the path, we pray, lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met thee, lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget thee.

Here's the video and the transcript of Rick Warren's prayer at the inaugural ceremony, for your reference and comment:

Jim Wallis 1-19-2009
The day after the inauguration, I will be joining with Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, and Christian leaders at the National Prayer Service for our new president.
Mimi Haddad 1-07-2009
When we think of megachurches, very often we imagine large evangelical congregations-numbering in the thousands, located in the United States.
Mimi Haddad 12-17-2008
How many times have you heard the oft-repeated claim that Christians who advance the shared authority and leadership of men and women in the church and home ignore the authority of scripture?
Eugene Cho 12-16-2008
George Bush and his legacy as president of the United States -- what do you think? Is it too early to tell since the war on terror will mark the legacy of his presidency?

Mimi Haddad 11-25-2008
Do you wonder why the words and deeds of Christ are not given more attention in the current gender debate?
Mimi Haddad 11-19-2008
Do you often find comfort and insight, even direction for your life, through a careful study of scripture? Do you believe that God's truth is found in the pages of the Bible?
Mimi Haddad 10-28-2008
How many of you love listening to people who are retired discuss their life achievements?
Various Authors 6-01-2008

Exclusive online extended content.

Douglas Roche 3-01-2008

Religious leaders condemn nuclear weapons.

In the midst of my own responsibilities for leadership within the Presbyterian Church (USA), I seek to keep current with the literature on leadership and organizational management. Rarely have I found such an insightful—and deeply inspiring—book on this subject as Wesley Granberg-Michaelson’s Leadership From Inside Out.

Carey Burkett 8-01-1991

An interview with Gordon Cosby