Human Rights

Alan Bean 4-14-2009
No one is saying that Ted Stevens didn't lie about unreported contributions. But the government has to play by the rules even when the defendant is guilty.
Jim Wallis 4-14-2009
In an op-ed piece in Monday's Wall Street Journal, on
Jim Wallis 4-10-2009
Ten years ago on Good Friday, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement and call to action: "On this
Jim Wallis 4-09-2009
Last week, before the budget vote, I talked with several senators on the phone as they were about to cast their vote. The ones I spoke to were friends, and I told them that I was praying for them.
Jess Hunter-Bowman 4-08-2009
In July 2007, Teresa Ortega stood solemnly in a field of wilting corn and pineapple crops in southern Colombia's farm land as tears streamed down her cheeks.
Connie Anderson 4-06-2009
In a stunning turnabout, some of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's firmest allies distanced themselves from his hard-line tactics when the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted to postpone accepting $1.6 m
Elizabeth Palmberg 4-06-2009
Sudanese President al-Bashir's recent v
She is a girl whose father sold her to strangers. They took her far from home, and now she is a prostitute. He works for no money paying off the debt of a long dead ancestor.
Julie Clawson 4-03-2009
Last month Afghanistan's Parliament passed a new law that severely restricts the rights of women.
Eugene Cho 4-03-2009

One of my heroes is Frederick Douglass. I have a list of folks whose stuff I regularly read on and read about, and Frederick Douglass is one of them. Words in today's world have grown to be an interesting sensation. I believe in the power of words via teaching, preaching, blogging, writing, etc.

Craig Detweiler 3-27-2009
From Joan of Arc to Sir Thomas More, courageous martyrs continue to inspire us. Their powerful witness is memorialized in homilies, books, and even movies.

John Hope Franklin lived through most of the twentieth century. He was a gentle man, a scholar, an activist, and a truth-teller. He studied history and he helped to make it.

Logan Isaac 3-27-2009
Last month, legislators in Hawaii introduced House Bill 444 (HB 444), which would provide rights and privileges to same-
Nontando Hadebe 3-25-2009
During my studies in theology, my colleagues and I jokingly referred to particularly difficult concepts or issues that we had a hard time understanding as "a Greek moment," or say "this is Greek t
Craig Detweiler 3-24-2009
President Obama recently addressed the crying need for comprehensive immigration reform. He reminded us that we are a nation of immigrants.
Cesar Baldelomar 3-24-2009

Twenty-nine years ago today, a Salvadorian government hit man assassinated Archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Romero as he was saying Mass in a convent. News of Romero's assassination sparked a slew of global responses -- from sadness and outrage to impartiality.

John Prendergast 3-24-2009
I have a confession to make. In the ninth year of the 21st century, and on my own 46th birthday, I may be the last activist left in America that has never penned a blog.
Jim Wallis 3-23-2009
For the past several weeks, Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Chicago has been conducting a national tour promoting immigration reform, primarily speaking at Latino evangelical churches around the country.
Jim Wallis 3-19-2009
Here we are again, and again, and again. It is not a new message or a new concern. People have been suffering, starving, raped, beaten and killed year in and year out.