
Jim Rice 6-08-2011

I attended a basketball game this winter at the University of Maryland, accompanied by an intern at my workplace, a man in his twenties. For much of the game, we chatted about everything from politics to how North Carolina is far superior to Duke in all the ways that really matter (on the court, of course). During the conversation, between glances at the game, my colleague maintained steady eye contact … with his smart phone.

Debra Dean Murphy 1-24-2011
I used to live in a world where God was a given and unapologetic faith was the lens through which the world was seen and interpreted.

LaVonne Neff 2-17-2010

Fifteen years ago next week, on my mother's 85th birthday and exactly one week before Ash Wednesday, my father died.

Richard Rohr 6-15-2009
Editor's note: In the July issue of Sojourners magazine, we asked social activists to share how they stay refreshed w
Walter Poe 5-01-2009

I thought Ruth Haley Barton’s article (“Make a Joyful Silence,” February 2009) was awesome.

Douglas Bakke 4-01-2009

Regarding “Make a Joyful Silence,” by Ruth Haley Barton (February 2009): We Quakers figured out more than 350 years ago that the presence of God is best understood through the “ga

Ruth Haley Barton 2-01-2009
While Protestants traditionally emphasize the Word and words, many are learning to meet God in quiet contemplation.
Ruth Haley Barton 2-01-2009
Key contemplative spirituality terms.
Troy Jackson 12-10-2008
1968 was a year filled with tragic deaths, of young leaders lost.
The Editors 2-01-2007

Going Deeper

Rose Marie Berger 12-01-2006
Thomas Keating talks about how the ancient church tradition of contemplation can transform Christians today.
Rose Marie Berger 3-01-2006
Lent invites us to a 'tranquil listening of the heart.'
Rose Marie Berger 12-01-2005
The arrest slip identified my 'property' as a Bible, a set of keys, and shoelaces.
Edwidge Danticat 12-01-2004

Between Haiti and the streets of Brooklyn

"You don't know what it's like to have a husband, small children, and a congregation. There's no time for prayer."
Jim Forest 11-01-2000
The Trappist's voice continues to resound.
Edward J. Farrell 1-01-2000

To be a contemplative has traditionally meant leaving the city for a quiet life of prayer.

Jo Ann Heydron 5-01-1999

Living a contemplative a feminist life.