
LaVonne Neff 11-17-2009
I'm a cradle vegetarian. Didn't have even a bite of meat -- red or white, fish or fowl -- until I was maybe eleven years old, and then I lost my dietary virginity to a hot dog.
Becky Garrison 11-13-2009
In my ongoing quest to turn my travels into pilgrimages, I keep discovering resources that help me along the way.
Molly Marsh 11-13-2009

While we'd love to think we inspired Oprah to choose Uwem Akpan's Say You're One of Them as her current book club pick, we are glad his collection of stories is getting lots of new readers. Last year we asked Sojourners contributing writer Kimberly Burge to profile this important writer -- probably the first Nigerian Jesuit priest ever to have two stories published in The New Yorker. Burge writes about Akpan's double calling as a priest and writer, his early training in religious formation as well as the craft of writing. "More and more," Akpan says, "I'm beginning to believe that Christ was both a priest and a poet."

Cathleen Falsani 11-11-2009
Do you find yourself adding more to your to-do list, even though you already feel overwhelmed?

Are your weekends just as jam-packed as your workdays?

Ernesto Tinajero 11-10-2009
Driving home from Seattle, the rain was both daunting and beautiful.
Soong-Chan Rah 11-09-2009
Last Friday, a group of Asian-American leaders (Kathy Khang, IVCF / Eugene Cho, Quest Church / Ken Fong, Evergreen Baptist Church and I) were on a conference call with three executives of Zondervan
Edward Gilbreath 11-04-2009
One of the toughest parts of being the author of a book about racial reconciliation is that when the latest racial incident flares up, everyone expects you to chime in with your two cents.
Soong-Chan Rah 11-04-2009
An open letter to Zondervan and to Mike Foster and Jud Wilhite, authors of Deadly Viper Character Assassin: A Kung Fu Survival Guide for Life and Leadership.

Soong-Chan Rah 11-02-2009
Last month's Christianity Today featured an article on the state of evangelicalism by
Molly Marsh 11-01-2009
Science and religion books explore the "seen and the unseen."
Bryan Cones 11-01-2009
Check out these resources on worship and liturgy.
Becky Garrison 10-14-2009
In my ongoing quest to find a third way between the extremes espoused by the Religious Right and their secular counterparts, I came across the Frank Schaeffer's latest book
Phil Haslanger 10-13-2009
Dan Brown, the author of The Da Vinci Code and of Angels and Demons, has a new book out
Julie Clawson 10-08-2009
So I've been having a few interesting conversations about my book
Luke McFadden 10-07-2009
My first job after college forever changed the way I prayed. Before I started it, I prayed that God would show me how to best serve him after receiving my diploma.

"Ms. Baker, why are you teaching here?" one student, whom I'll call Solomon, inquired during one of our after school tutoring sessions. "You went to college," he continued unabashedly.