This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: August 2004

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Cover Story

How do we nurture the healing side of religion over the killing side? How do we protect the soul of democracy against bad theology in service of an imperial state?


Song leader and scholar Bernice Johnson Reagon on what music teaches us about democracy, leadership, and the meaning of 'we.'
It's not that we have so little power, it's that we don't use the power we have.
Latin American immigrants are changing the U.S. political landscape.


What is 'artificial means' and what is nonnegotiable humane care?
What part of 'never again' do we not understand?
On mourning in America.


It's that special season again.
What is hiding behind the flag of 'moral decency'?
Fallible creatures are not to be trusted with empire.
Revolutionary ideology is no match for rice and beans.

Culture Watch

Four August 2004 culture recommendations from our editors
If you'If you've heard her radio single "Come to
Throughout the first year of the Iraq war,


What an incredible article (
More than 50 leaders from Christian organizations across Asia met in Kuala Lumpur,
Corrections Corporation of America,
Our cover feature by veteran journalist Bill Moyers is an adaptation of the keynote speech he delivered to a standing-room-only crowd at Call to Renewal's Pentecost 2004 event.
He died in a munitions explosion
Six months after Ash Wednesday,
I just read the article "
Who knew that the pentecostal "