The Soul of the Nation with Jim Wallis
The Soul of the Nation with Jim Wallis informs and inspires everyone from grassroots organizers to political leaders to examine our priorities in meeting the biblical call for social justice and — from that examination — to take action to promote racial and social justice, life and peace, and environmental stewardship.
Thousands of faithful people filled two churches to over capacity the Thursday after Pentecost Sunday, emulating the early followers of Jesus, who took their faith to the streets during the Pentecost season. After hearing inspirational talks from church leaders who were the original signatories to the Reclaiming Jesus declaration, the multitude marched to the White House to pray and articulate the articles of faith required to Reclaim Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is at work even in the darkness of this political moment. We feel it calling us to reclaim Jesus from those who have appropriated, co-opted, and hijacked his name for worldly power. Will you join us and show the world that the followers of Jesus refuse to be complicit and refuse to be silent?
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, right-wing political operatives — like Richard Viguerie, Paul Weyrich, Kevin Phillips, and Terry Dolan — engineered a political takeover of the evangelical movement. This was a radical hijacking of the message of Jesus Christ. Ten years earlier, the movement that became Sojourners was born at an evangelical seminary, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago. We preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is transforming both personally and socially — a holistic message aimed to change our lives and the world.
As we approach Pentecost Sunday, it is fitting to recall the fear and trepidation early Christians felt after the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Acts 2 sets the scene for us: 120 followers of Jesus were hiding in an upper room afraid to proclaim their faith publicly. It is an unfortunate parallel to our current times.
The political, religious, and moral crisis in America is going to get worse before it gets better. If we are going to survive this crisis, respond to it, and put our faith into action to turn dangers into opportunities, we are going to have to be more deeply rooted — in our faith, in our relationships to each other, and in our solidarity with the most vulnerable.
On the 50th anniversary of the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jim Wallis gathered with other faith leaders on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to give this call to action: "Let us confess our sins, repent of them, and turn this nation around."
Evangelicals who support Donald Trump and his presidency are destroying the good news of Jesus Christ. In this Easter season, Jim Wallis and a diverse group of church elders listed below have banded together to fight for the Soul of the Nation by issuing the declaration of Reclaiming Jesus.
The Apostle James tells us, “Faith without works is dead.” That is why Jim Wallis is calling for a national church boycott of the National Rifle Association to give life to the thoughts and prayers we send the friends and families of the victims of mass gun murders. By making enormous financial contributions to politicians on the one hand and bullying those politicians who support common sense gun safety laws that are overwhelmingly approved by the vast majority of Americans, the NRA has perverted our democracy and thwarted the will of the people at the expense of the lives of our children while they attend school.
In the aftermath of the mass shooting at a high school in Florida, we saw and heard courageous student survivors stand up to and call out politicians in a manner we haven't seen since student protesters worked together to end the Vietnam War.
In response to the tragic shooting at a Florida high school this week, the Rev. Jim Wallis pronounces, "I believe the National Rifle Association and their gun-running sponsors are responsible for the death of Florida children and their teachers." The politicians and pundits who are so quick to send their thoughts and prayers also need to be held accountable, Wallis continues, "I believe the elected officials who are too cowardly to ban assault weapons ... are responsible for this week's brutal killing," as well.
Donald Trump's attempts at establishing himself as an autocratic ruler above the law requires us to recall why leading theologians believe we need democracy.
The Unity Declaration on Racism and Poverty, which was sent to members of Congress the day after State of the Union address, appeals to all people, especially Christians, to actively work against racism and poverty. It notes that the “body of Christ is perhaps the most diverse racial community in the world.
Racism and our response to it is not a liberal or a conservative issue. We need political leaders from both parties to stand up to implicit and explicit racial bias.
"Our Scriptures talk about how God created us in God's image and likeness — no exceptions."
Two forces have coalesced to force Christians into a state of political homelessness.
In the midst of fear and despair, Jim Wallis finds comfort and joy through living and trusting Christmas.
White evangelicals ignored the moral degradation of Alabama senatorial candidate Judge Roy Moore in a shocking display of political hypocrisy. As the world watched the outcome of the special election, black Christians saved the integrity of our nation and restored the true meaning of evangelism.
Jim Wallis was one of 12 faith leaders who were arrested for reading Bible verses in the Hart Senate Office Building. As the Republican Senate majority plans to pass a tax bill that will strip away food, shelter, and medical care for the poor while doling money to the very rich, people of faith gathered to read aloud from the #2000verses of the Bible that call upon all of us to tend to those most in need.
"Locker Room Talk" doesn't only happen in locker rooms and it frequently leads to much more than talk. In order to drastically change our culture to make our world safe for women, we must radically reinvent what we mean by masculinity.
Jim Wallis follows the chain of deception that starts at the very top of our government to give voice to the proverb, "The Lord detests lying lips but he delights in people who are trustworthy."
Jim Wallis has a strong suggestion for those in power who are engaged in the debate over immigration policy: "Read your Bible!"
The Bible has almost 100 references to immigrants with a clear and consistent commandment: Welcome them and treat them as you would your own. Jesus has even stronger words for Donald Trump and others who are refusing refuge for the Dreamers — the people living among us who were brought here as children.
As a teenager in the '60s, Jim's activism drove him from the church. His search for a deeper meaning in social justice brought him back. Listen to his story about conversion and bringing faith to public life.
"Values Voters" Abandon Christian Values When They Embrace Trump...and Jim Wallis Issues a Challenge
When the Values Voter Summit welcomed Donald Trump, they embraced a man who is the "consummate worshiper of money, sex, and power."
A Catholic priest at Georgetown University once said, "To build and launch a nuclear weapon is a sin." But Donald Trump says he doesn't understand why the United States doesn't use their nuclear arsenal.
Heeding the call of Matthew 25, a diverse group of religious leaders this week united to preserve the Affordable Care Act to protect the most vulnerable among us.
JIm recalls coming of age in Detroit in the '60s. Sadly, not much has changed.