Sojourners Magazine: May-June 1976
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Cover Story
Fellowship of Hope began six years ago with a vision of church life that was characterized by commitment and discipline.
Anticipate the all-pervasive, all-encompassing nature of God’s call to give him your lives unconditionally (1 Peter 4:2).
To people interested in establishing a new community I would encourage them to see 1) who the leaders are, 2) what the purpose of the community is, and 3) what the commitment among them is.
Looking at failure experiences in community is like rereading the Old Testament. God is at work, and there is a certain revelation of his will.
There has been much talk lately about “the resurgence of evangelical social concern.”
A most obstinate misconception associated with the gospel of Jesus Christ is that the gospel is welcome in this world.
CIA Director George Bush, agreeing partially to the urgings of Senator Mark O. Hatfield, has informed him that the CIA will not take any initiative abroad requesting voluntary foreign intelligence information from American clergy and missionaries.
Nazi Germany seems to be the moral focal point of the 20th century, at least for the West.
Individualism in our society, as I look at it today, is the greatest threat to an understanding of the church and the meaning of being a Christian.
“In such critical moments, our church knows instinctively its priestly and prophetic role,” said a south Korean church official to a visiting U.S. church delegation last month.
At the outset of his ministry, just following his temptation in the wilderness, Jesus here proclaims the coming of the kingdom and calls men and women to a complete change of heart and mind.
A brightly colored bus turned the corner into a narrow one-way street in a congested residential area of Washington D.C.