This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: April 1989

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Cover Story

Through the Intifada, Palestinians Work to Create Their Own State
A Look at the Politics and Players in the Middle East


For those of us who live in Washington, D.C., the debates in Congress that project themselves across the nation often have more than a little irony.
It requires a four-wheel-drive vehicle to get to this isolated and beautiful corner of the earth.
The Returns Are In ...
Six years ago President Ronald Reagan launched the so-called Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars, proclaiming his objective of a "peace shield" that would protect the people
The plea was painfully direct: "Please don't participate in killing kids."
On Friday, February 3, Frances Skolnick received a phone call from a reporter

Culture Watch

The ad line for the new Oliver Stone-Eric Bogosian film, Talk Radio, gets my first nomination for The 1989 William Jennings Bryan "Cross of Gold" Award.


These urgent dawns call me from sleep/as if each message bore repeating