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Inside Story

by The Editors 08-01-2004

Our cover feature by veteran journalist Bill Moyers is an adaptation of the keynote speech he delivered to a standing-room-only crowd at Call to Renewal's Pentecost 2004 event.

New & Noteworthy

by The Editors 07-01-2004
Four July 2004 culture recommendations from our editors
Jamming Against Violence

Thousands of teens are learning directly from Nobel Peace laureates about working for peace through PeaceJam, an eight-year-old education-and-action program. Learn about it in PeaceJam: How Young People Can Make Peace in Their Schools and Communities and in a documentary of the same name. Teens study the lives of Nobel laureates, attend conferences led by the laureates, and develop service projects in their own communities. Said one: "I learned that you don't have to be a big person to make a big difference." Jossey-Bass

Glory, Glory, Glory

Folks from the Library of Congress hauled their recording equipment all over the South to record church choirs, solo singers, blues artists, and preachers - and Goodbye, Babylon is the stunning result. Six CDs hold 135+ songs and 25 sermons that cover the years 1902-60, performed with all the passionate pentecostal fervor you could imagine. Includes a 200-page book with notes about each recording. Dust-to-Digital

Inside Story

by The Editors 07-01-2004

For many years we've talked about interviewing environmental and culture essayist Wendell Berry.

New and Noteworthy

by The Editors 06-01-2004

Flex Your Political Muscles

Inside Story

by The Editors 06-01-2004

This is not the annual Mother’s Day issue of Sojourners (we’ve never had such an issue).

Inside Story

by The Editors 05-01-2004

Associate editor Rose Marie Berger joined a January delegation to Venezuela organized by Marie Dennis of the Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns.

New and Noteworthy

by The Editors 05-01-2004
Four May 2004 culture recommendations from our editors

Four May 2004 culture recommendations from our editors

New and Noteworthy

by The Editors 04-01-2004
Four April 2004 culture recommendations from our editors

Four April 2004 culture recommendations from our editors

Inside Story

by The Editors 04-01-2004

Our interns keep us going at Sojourners. This is not just idle praise; it is gospel truth.

Inside Story

by The Editors 03-01-2004

Care of the environment has long been an issue of great importance to our readers.

Inside Story

by The Editors 02-01-2004
Best-selling writer Philip Yancey has described himself as at times a reluctant Christian, plagued by doubts and 'in recovery' from bad church encounters.

New and Noteworthy

by The Editors 02-01-2004
Four February 2004 culture recommendations from our editors

Four February 2004 culture recommendations from our editors

New and Noteworthy

by The Editors 01-01-2004

Sing for Justice

Lies Leaders Tell

by The Editors 01-01-2004

An interview with British member of Parliament Clare Short on just war, Jesus, and the importance of telling the truth.

Inside Story

by The Editors 01-01-2004

Perhaps you have noticed that this issue of Sojourners has fewer pages than usual (if you hadn't noticed, take our word for it). No, we're not trying to short-sheet you.

Inside Story

by The Editors 11-01-2003

The presence of CIA employees - even former ones - in our offices is not a frequent occurrence, as far as we know.

Inside Story

by The Editors 09-01-2003

In this issue Jim Wallis examines apparent recent shifts in President George W. Bush's theological framework and how those shifts may spur or sustain dangerous politics.

New and Noteworthy

by The Editors 09-01-2003

Bif! Boom! Soc!


by The Editors 07-01-2003

An end-times glossary.

Inside Story

by The Editors 07-01-2003

In early March Sojourners hosted a daylong roundtable on faith, art, and activism.