A Hymn for Peace | Sojourners

A Hymn for Peace

Candle in a Berlin church during prayer
A prayer for peace in Ukraine said in the church of St. Michael in Berlin-Kreuberg. Joerg Carstensen/DPA 

We Pray for Peace

FINLANDIA (“This Is My Song”)

We pray for peace, O God of love and justice,
as once again, we face a time of war.
The meek and humble try — amid the crisis —
to love and build, to nurture and restore.
May leaders hear the truth the prophets teach us —
that gifts of peace are well worth struggling for.

We pray for peace, O Christ who calmed the waters —
who stilled the storm, who stilled disciples’ fear.
You spoke with love and with amazing power;
be with us now when trouble is so near.
May leaders see the miracle you offer —
that words and deeds can calm the nations here.

We pray for peace, O Spirit here among us;
your love emboldens, judges, and restrains.
Take any hate and acts of impulse from us;
make leaders wise, amid competing claims.
May we seek peace, O God of love and justice;
may love and mercy be our highest aims.

Tune: Jean Sibelius, 1899 (“This Is My Song”) (MIDI) Text: Copyright © 2022 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved. Permission is given for free use of this hymn, including online, by churches that support Sojourners. See Rev. Casey Carbone sing “We Pray for Peace.” Carbone is pastor of The First Presbyterian Church of Mahopac, N.Y., and the IT/Communications Facilitator for Hudson River Presbytery in N.Y., and gives his permission to use this video.