Oct 2, 2018
How Long, O Lord, Will Justice Take?
How long, O Lord, will justice take?
It seems today our hearts will break.
As women rise to tell the truth,
their voices go unheeded.
God show us what will be:
you're building your community!
You cast the mighty down
and lift the hurt and lowly.
How long, O Lord, will mercy take?
It seems today our hearts will break.
When immigrants seek safety here,
they're told, "You are not welcome!"
God show us what will be:
you're building your community!
You cast the mighty down
and lift the hurt and lowly.
How long, O Lord, will kindness take?
It seems today our hearts will break.
As guns are sold and glorified,
our children suffer violence.
God show us what will be:
you're building your community!
You cast the mighty down
and lift the hurt and lowly.
O God of justice, love and peace,
we pray that kindness will increase.
We pray that all may seek your way
and put faith into practice.
God show us what will be:
you're building your community!
Lord, may we be a church
that works to bring your justice.
Biblical Reference: Luke 1:46-55
Tune: Traditional English melody ("What Child Is This?") GREENSLEEVES with Refrain ("What Child Is This?”)
Text: Copyright © 2018 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Email: bcgillette@comcast.net New Hymns: www.carolynshymns.com
Carolyn gives permission for free use of this hymn for those who support Sojourners.
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