Everything Stolen This Week: What Our Editors Are Reading | Sojourners

Everything Stolen This Week: What Our Editors Are Reading

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What does it mean to steal? No, not steal a basketball, this is not another sports-themed Weekly Wrap.

If “steal” is used as a transitive verb — “I'm gonna steal the Declaration of Independence” — it is usually associated with the taking of a person or people’s property. But if steal is used as an intransitive verb — “Let's steal away to freedom” — it can become synonymous with smuggle. Steal can also be used as a noun to describe something that's a great deal: “Jordan sneakers going for $100 is a steal.” And these are only a few uses for the word steal; the English language is a trip.

Some people remain convinced that the U.S. elections were stolen despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Political commentators have decided to steal the term “critical race theory” and apply it willy-nilly to anything they dislike regarding hard truths about race and U.S. history. Catholic leaders this past week stole the spotlight by defying the Vatican and blessing the LGBTQ community (Happy Pride Month!). Lately, we’ve been reminded in the news of lives lost to gun violence and residential schools. But saying those lives were “lost” doesn’t have the same effect as saying those lives were stolen, does it?

Our editors have curated another great reading list for you this week. So if you'll allow us to steal a few minutes of your attention, we think these stories will steal your heart.

1. The Moral Case for Suspending the Filibuster
If we want to protect the right to vote, we need to suspend this arcane Senate rule. By Adam Russell Taylor via sojo.net.

2. The Indigenous People of Canada Want an Wpology From Pope Francis
Remains of First Nation children have been discovered at a Catholic residential school in Canada. By Dean Dettloff via americanmagazine.org.

3. Is the Two State Solution Obsolete?
Israeli settlements have made a viable Palestinian state impossible. Finding a new path to peace in the middle east. By Jonathan Kuttab via Sojourners.

4. ‘Keystone XL Is Dead!’
The Keystone XL pipeline project is officially terminated thanks to efforts from Indigenous activists. By Indian Country Today via indiancountrytoday.com.

5. In Defiance of Vatican, Catholic Leaders Bless LGBTQ Community
DignityUSA offered a series of blessings for LGBTQ Catholics to celebrate the beginning of Pride Month. By Lexi McMenamin via sojo.net.

6. Why Have a Swiss Army knife When You Could Just Buy an AR-15?
A California judge overturned the state’s assault weapon ban. The judge compared the AR-15 to a Swiss Army knife. By Alexandra Petri via washingtonpost.com.

7. Churches Should Help Normalize Mental Health for Asian Americans
Asian Americans have been experiencing an increase in racial trauma. Mental health services provide the path to healing. By Prasanta Verma via sojo.net.

8. Britain Detains ‘Noah’s Ark,’ Doubting It Can Handle the Sea
The British maritime authorities want to see paperwork proving that the ark, a floating museum of Bible exhibits, is seaworthy before it can be towed from Ipswich, England, back to the Netherlands. By Claire Fahy via nytimes.com.

9. The Fox News Guest Behind the Republican Frenzy Over Critical Race Theory
A year ago, Christopher Rufo was an obscure documentarian. Now, he’s being invited on Tucker Carlson’s show to gin up fears of Marxism in America. By Jake Bittle via newrepublic.com.

10. Harvey Milk, Activist and Politician, Led a Revolution for LGBTQ Rights
Harvey Milk was the first openly gay elected official in California. His life and activism continue to inspire today. By Lexi McMenamin via teenvogue.com.