Weekly Wrap 1.12.18: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 1.12.18: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. Is This a Bonhoeffer Moment?

A few lessons for American Christians from the Confessing Church in Germany.

2. The Great Awokening

What happens to culture in an era of identity politics?

3. Behind the Duck: Former Aflac Employees Allege Fraud and Abuse in Nearly Every Aspect of Company

The insurance firm Aflac has exploited workers, manipulated its accounting, and deceived shareholders and customers, according to nine former employees.

4. The Oligarchs

A new interactive investigation from Al Jazeera uncovers a dirty money trail in Ukraine.

5. Your City Has a Gender, and It’s Male

Why city designers are increasingly thinking about the female perspective.

6. WATCH: The Ghosts of Cyclists That Haunt City Streets

Since the first ghost bike was anointed by a bike mechanic who witnessed an accident in 2003 in St. Louis, Missouri, the project has spread to over 200 major cities around the world.

7. Christians of Color Are Rejecting ‘Colonial Christianity’ and Reclaiming Ancestral Spiritualities

“This is how quickly it happened. One moment we were passing sumptuous kebob platters around the table making polite introductions, and the next we were swapping trauma stories that we—all people of color, many LGBTQ—had experienced in what were essentially white Christian spaces.”

8. Huge Water Reserves Found All Over Mars

Stunning new NASA images show layers of ice peeking out of eroded cliffs—a potential boon for future humans on the red planet.

9. The Golden Globes Held a Funeral. Now Let's Hold One in Church

“Hours before the Golden Globes, the pastor of my church, in Washington, D.C., talked about sexual violence from the pulpit. ...This was only the second time in my life that I’d heard a pastor in a church preach on sexual violence.”

10. The Real Secret to Becoming a Successful Writer

“The problem is that meritocracy isn't just a program for maximizing effort. It's an excuse for the status quo. If the best writers always meet with the most success, then we don't need to think about the inequities of the insurance market, or question whether children's book publishing choices are racist, or ask why the New York Times has more regular columnists named ‘David’ than it has regular columnists who are black women.”

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