Women and Girls

Early-teen magazines with a new vision.

Cynthia J. Carney 5-01-1995

About five years ago, when my husband and I were hosting a gathering from our parish, a member of the group made a comment that caused me to flush with humiliation and anger.

Julie Polter 5-01-1995

Developing a common agenda to make abortion rare.

Deanna Wylie Mayer 5-01-1995

"A group of women who have had abortions will be meeting" read the sign on the women's room wall. Immediately I knew I wanted to go. But why? I had never had an abortion.

Shelley Douglass 3-01-1995

How people responded to the December 30 murders of abortion clinic workers in Massachusetts depended in large part on the ideological position of the responder.

Franzmeier 12-01-1994

Books for pleasure and meaning.

Joyce Hollyday 11-01-1994

The parallel stories of biblical and contemporary women.

Jim Martin-Schramm 11-01-1994

The real story at the U.N. conference on population and development in Cairo this fall was the unprecedented emphasis on the empowerment of women.

Joyce Hollyday 11-01-1994

We started at the beginning, with Eve.

Julie Polter 9-01-1994

Feminist theology seeks unity in diversity

Since the publication of Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb in the mid-1960s, the continued growth of the human population worldwide has been a major environmental and economic development issue. Every basic environmental science textbook has a chapter on the subject, as do most introductory volumes on environmental ethics. The literature on contemporary changes in human demography is now massive, and numerous academic institutes, environmental and women’s organizations, and international agencies wrestle with population topics.

The Christian voice on population, however, has been very limited and has largely rejected the importance of growing human numbers. With the exception of a handful of environmental and women’s advocates, most Christians have either had little to say or they have spoken out against international family planning programs.

Since Christians from affluent nations tend to limit their concern for sanctity of life to contesting abortion, they are poorly informed about the relationship of human demography (the structure of human populations) to such problems as child mortality and environmental degradation. If we stop thinking about what happens to the child after his mother decides to carry him to term, we miss the question of whether he will survive to adulthood and what his quality of life will be like if he does.

We also need to recognize that in the United States and Europe a majority of Christians have medical services easily available, and can obtain family planning information from a personal physician. In contrast, in many regions with high population growth rates, maternal care is poor and what services there are may be crowded and understaffed. A woman who is not in good health and has a new baby is at a much-elevated risk for a problem pregnancy if she conceives again within the next year or two.

Genesis House ministers to women in prostitution

As I was driving home from work recently, I heard a new song on the radio. Encouraged by the driving beat and engaging tune, I turned up the volume, only to be sorely disappointed.

Kari Jo Verhulst 1-01-1994

Warrior Marks, the recently released Alice Walker-Pratibha Parmar collaboration, continues the exploration of female genital mutilation begun in Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy.

Alice Walker's Joy is truth-telling

Vicki Kemper 12-01-1988

In September, less than a week after the Episcopal Church elected Rev. Barbara C. Harris as its first woman bishop, Pope John Paul II issued yet another statement expressing his opposition to the ordination of women as priests. 

Anthony A. Parker 10-01-1988

The world is still facing a major problem with women's equality. 

Women in the Church Tell Their Stories.

Joyce Hollyday 4-01-1987

In the world of the last few decades, work and family patterns have undergone dramatic upheaval.

Arthur Huff Fausel, 12-01-1986

A Woman of Faith and Fire