White Privilege

Edward Gilbreath 7-06-2009

You can't do church in the 21st century without a vision for cultural diversity, says author and theologian Soong-Chan Rah.

Brian McLaren 5-29-2009
Many in the Republican Party and some noteworthy Christian leaders have come together to call Judge Sotomayor a racist.
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 4-06-2009

Last year Naomi Tutu and I met on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to keep vigil on the 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Friends joined us from around the country. We asked the visitors gathered there: "What keeps us from living the Dream?" Most folks spoke of fear. Some spoke of ignorance.

Eugene Cho 11-20-2008
All of you who have a pulse know that the Friday after Thanksgiving is the single most crazy shopping day in the United States.
If you care about peace, justice, the common good, poor people, the environment, genocide, war, peoples' health, human life or general wellbeing, come hell or high water, you are going to vote on N
Sondra Haaga 10-31-2008
In the spirit of honest and civil dialogue, I would like to both affirm and respectfully disagree with a few points made by Shane Claiborne i
Gabriel Salguero 9-09-2008

[Click here to see all posts in this conversation on New Monastics and race.]

I've been following the recent online conversation about racial reconciliation and the New Monastics rather closely. Why? Because it is a conversation whose time has come. I honestly believe that [...]

Brian McLaren 8-28-2008

I'm voting in this election, not with naivete but with sincere enthusiasm. Not with any messianic hopes, but with a deep sense of moral responsibility as a shareholder or steward of the richest, most dominant, and most well-armed nation in the world. I had another long talk with a friend a couple weeks back who, on religious grounds, is passionately against voting. He had read my earlier posts on the [...]