
Eugene Cho 3-13-2009

What does it say about our country that we have to hear the cold and hard truth from a comedian? Check out the videos below as comedian Jon Stewart interviews and exposes Jim Cramer - the hyped and elevated investment and financial guru.

Seth Naicker 1-26-2009
For millions in the U.S.A.
Brian Swarts 9-26-2008
Yesterday, the United Nations met to discuss our progress toward cutting global poverty in half by 2015. Tonight, the U.S.
Jim Wallis 8-28-2008

Somebody came up to me in Denver and said, "At the Democratic Convention of 2008, faith is cool!" That is indeed a big change from recent years. As I have been saying at the many "faith forums" in Denver, faith must have a different and better role than it has had in politics these last few decades.

And I have been encouraged by the more "prophetic" role that faith has played here, deeper than the partisan use of faith in recent memory. At one of those faith panels, Rev. Otis Moss [...]

Brian McLaren 8-06-2008

I like winning, but I've done a lot of losing in my life, especially when it comes to voting. I've got a pretty good track record of picking losers.

But recent history tells us that picking winners in presidential elections has its own dangers.

What happens if the presidential candidate you prefer wins this fall?

As a Christian and citizen, you owe the winning candidate -- whoever he is (we've only got "he's" left this time around) -- the gift of what my friend Jim [...]