
Onleilove Alston 7-08-2009

"I do the work of justice not out of a disdain for the privileged but out of a love for Life." - Womanist Theologian Dr. Kelly Douglas Brown

Jim Wallis 6-25-2009
I just returned to the United States from a clergy conference I was invited to address by Rev. James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool.
Neeraj Mehta 6-24-2009
Why are people poor? I remember being asked this question 10 years ago while training for a program I was volunteering with.
I have never met you but I have to thank you. You are half a world a way but I'm watching you on TV, reading blogs, looking at pictures and following your Twitter updates.
Roland Warren 6-15-2009
When my oldest son, Jamin, was moving out of the toddler years, I started to have a difficult time hugging and kissing him.
Imagine America's 'Rust Belt' transformed into a green belt of clean energy manufacturing. Imagine the factories of Detroit making wind turbines and solar panels to power America.
Jim Wallis 6-10-2009
Few biblical figures stand out for their bravery as Esther does. Faced with a looming order for the systematic extermination of her people, she risked her life and broke the silence.
Hayley Hathaway 6-04-2009
Earlier last month, President Obama requested $108 billion in new money for the International Monetary Fund to show the world that we stood up for our commitments to fighting the global recession.
Harper McConnell 6-01-2009
We were in Masisi, a small town in the endless rolling green mountains of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Gareth Higgins 5-28-2009
A couple of weeks ago on Glenn Beck's talk radio show, a woman called in to suggest that because President Obama appears to be raising the tax rate to around the same as what it was under President
Barbara Grady 5-27-2009
Troost Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri, has been dividing rich and poor, black and white, jobless and employed in this city since the days of Jim Crow when it was a legal line of segregation.
Neeraj Mehta 5-26-2009
A standard definition of community development often goes something like this:

Let us pray for Zimbabwe's president Robert Mugabe and for the Burmese generals. Let us send them our love. This is the counterintuitive radicality of the Christian witness.
Kevin Lum 5-08-2009
Historically, the number of individuals who say they have no religious affiliation in America ranges between 5-10%, but a new poll conducted by Robert Putnam (of http://www.amazon.com/gp/p
Jim Wallis 4-23-2009
Sunday evening the Mobilization to End Poverty will begin.
Jimmy Quach 4-07-2009
Today the world is remembering Rwanda and the genocide that started there 15 years ago.
Jim Wallis 1-30-2009

In a plenary session titled "The Values behind Market Capitalism" yesterday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, I started with this observation:

President Obama, in taking the nation into its next chapter, I am counting on you to remember those who have been left behind and forgotten by too many of your predecessors.