
Tracey Bianchi 11-02-2009

Halloween is over. I was standing in the kitchen tonight pilfering through the bowl of chewy, crinkly wrapped treats that my children acquired last night. Poor things. They do all the work of running up and down the sidewalks, climbing stairs, ringing bells and then I dole them out a piece or two a day and confiscate anything with caramel for myself. Hardly seems fair.

Margaret Benefiel 10-26-2009
At a major conference at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Hamilton, Massachusetts recently, 500 evangelicals met to discuss how to "renew the evangelical mission."

Arthur Waskow 10-26-2009

For the next few days in Washington, D.C., 1,200 people are gathering in the name of a "pro-Israel, pro-peace" U.S. policy. Because of my broken leg, I can't be physically there. But my mind and spirit and 40 years of my work are there today.

Brian McLaren 10-22-2009
I am a loyal supporter of your presidency. I worked hard in the campaign and have never been as proud of my country as I was when we elected you.

Jim Wallis 10-21-2009
After nearly two years of collective scripture study, discernment, and dialogue, on Oct.
Ernesto Tinajero 10-20-2009
Imagine trying to figure out the earth, while living on a grain of sand on a small island in the middle of the Pacific. What could be known of snow, of plants, of wolves? Not much.
Gunnar Cerda 10-16-2009

As he walked along, he saw a man blind from birth.

Jim Wallis 10-15-2009

Last week, a group of senators, many in the leadership of the majority Democratic Party, asked for a meeting with a small group of interfaith religious leaders. Their topic: climate change. The Senate now has a bill that will soon be up for a vote and the 10 senators wanted our feedback -- and also our support. I was asked to say a few words.

Lisa Sharon Harper 10-13-2009
"I'm here to stand up for Jesus," said the anti-health reform protester to a CNN correspondent. "Government is getting too big."

Julie Clawson 10-08-2009
So I've been having a few interesting conversations about my book http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0830836284?ie=UTF8&tag=sojo_blog-20&lin...
Aaron Taylor 10-07-2009
A few days ago I received a mass e-mail from the ACLJ. For those who don't get their daily dose of Christian talk radio, ACLJ stands for the American Center for Law and Justice.
Luke McFadden 10-07-2009
My first job after college forever changed the way I prayed. Before I started it, I prayed that God would show me how to best serve him after receiving my diploma.
Mimi Haddad 9-23-2009
The gender discussion in the church today is captured succinctly by New Testament scholar Gordon Fee in http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102710879856&s=5547&e=0012JIqccVLH7ea6GyBLMz
LaVonne Neff 9-04-2009

Last week a friend who knows my dogs sent me a link to Wendy Francisco's wildly popular new song, "God and Dog" (more than half a million views at time of writing). G-o-d and d-o-G--two words, one kind of love. "They would stay with me all day; / I'm the one who walks away.

Logan Isaac 8-31-2009
I recently received a reply or two on my last blog post, regarding Sgt.
Asma Mobin-Uddin 8-25-2009
As representatives from many different faiths, we stand together today, united in our support for health-care reform so that affordable, quality health care can be made available to all.
The Declaration of Independence says: