
Mimi Haddad 6-22-2010

How many of us come from traditions where we have been told that women cannot serve in positions of leadership because Jesus was male?

Kathy Khang 6-16-2010
I am not a hockey fan. I am the wife of a long-suffering Cubs fan, and by marriage I have learned all I know about baseball, football, and basketball from my husband.
Nadia Bolz-Weber 6-16-2010
There has been a fair amount of conversation at House for All Sinners and Saints recently about the use of inclusive language for God.
Kimberly B. George 6-10-2010
I won't forget the day the 15-year-old Korean exchange student I tutored informed me she needed surgery to "correct" her eyes. I stopped my grammar lesson and had her teach me about racism.

Laura Truax 6-09-2010
Several years ago, I visited a slave castle along the coast of Ghana, West Africa. This castle was one of the primary centers for shipping slaves from Africa to the New World.
Eugene Cho 6-04-2010

One of my readers sent me a video a couple months ago because, well, I somehow mysteriously got on this video.

Bryan Cones 6-01-2010
D.C. Catholic Charities has taken the cheap -- and uncharitable -- way out.
Cross-generational blogging about faith and feminism.
Liane Rozzell 6-01-2010
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander. The New Press.

These resources on the intersection of faith and feminism were compiled by Kimberly B.

Cesar Baldelomar 5-28-2010
This past Tuesday, President Obama announced that he intends to send 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border.
Martha St. Jean 5-28-2010
She is my mother. She is my aunt. She is my next door neighbor. I recognize her familiar gait; the quick-paced step. Most importantly, I recognize the invisible burden she carries.
Sheldon Good 5-27-2010
I'm not a college student anymore, but Dr. Rand Paul just gave me some homework.

The issue of illegal immigration in the United States requires an anti-logic of radical love. (The anti-logic I propose is not fallacious logic. The distinction is a topic for another essay.) Christianity is a counter-intuitive religion.

Aaron Taylor 5-21-2010
Sometimes in life you learn best not from the times that you shine, but from the times that you act like a total ignoramus. It seems that racism and fear of outsiders are on the rise in the U.S.A.
LaToya Brown 5-20-2010
One's wealth is determined by the value of one's assets minus one's debt.
Cesar Baldelomar 5-17-2010
Arizona's lawmakers just keep finding ways to transform their xenophobia into law. First, they questioned whether Martin Luther King Jr. Day was a legitimate holiday.
Jimmy McCarty 5-12-2010
It wasn't that long ago that the state of Arizona did not recognize, in fact went out of its way to criticize, the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Eboo Patel 5-11-2010
A few days back, small groups of college students at Northwestern,http://uiucatheists.bl