These resources on the intersection of faith and feminism were compiled by Kimberly B. George and Letha Dawson Scanzoni, authors of “Liberating History: Cross-generational blogging about faith and feminism,” in the June 2010 issue of Sojourners.
Web Sites and Blogs:
EEWC-Christian Feminism Today (Web site of the Evangelical & Ecumenical Women’s Caucus, of which the 72-27 blog is a part). Select articles from Christian Feminism Today, some audios of speeches and music from EEWC conferences, and a quarterly feature, "Web Explorations for Christian Feminists," in which Letha Dawson Scanzoni provides links to online articles, audios and videos, and movie recommendations, all with her personal commentary.
Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE International). Articles, book lists, and various study resources emphasizing biblical teachings on the equality of women and men, including service in the church based on gifts rather than gender.
“Faith and Gender: A Necessary Conversation,” a blog by Kimberly B. George. From her statement of purpose “My desire is for men and women of diverse backgrounds to partner together and listen more deeply to each other’s voices, as we realize what is at stake in how we construct our ideas of gender within churches and the greater culture.”
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