
Kathy Khang 4-16-2010
I have a problem. My internal filter doesn't always work.
Charles Honey 4-09-2010
The Grand River flows through Grand Rapids, Mich. with power and peace on its way to Lake Michigan 30 miles west.
Arthur Waskow 4-08-2010
The end of Passover is said to mark the anniversary of the moment when Pharaoh's imperial horse-chariot army met disaster in the Red Sea.
Kathy Khang 3-23-2010
Tiger & Elin. Jon & Kate. Deadly Viper and some angry Asian Americans.

Ju Hong 3-15-2010

"Look at those illegals," my friend laughed, pointing at two Latino immigrants leaning against a fence nearby. I smiled and brushed it off, but inside, I was angry. I wondered what he would say if he knew that I'm also an "illegal."

Heather Wilson 3-11-2010
When was the last time you felt gripped by crushing fear? Like the kind that might take over as you listen to friends and co-workers being killed?
Brian McLaren 3-04-2010
Isn't there something in the Bible about not bearing false witness?
Kathy Khang 3-01-2010
I had never noticed them before. I'm sure I would have noticed them if they had been there just a few weeks ago.
Chelsea Marcum 2-19-2010
North Korea is the most isolated and closed-off country in the world.
Benedict Rogers 2-12-2010

Google's vow to pull out of China last month was partly based on the discovery that human rights activists' Gmail accounts had been hacked into, purportedly by Chinese intelligence. As a human rights advocate, this is worrying news for all who seek to fight for justice around the world.

Kathy Khang 1-26-2010
My husband asked me that question last night: "Do you think you'll feel different after you become a citizen?"