Posts By This Author

Bringing People Together

by Anne Wayne 11-09-1997

Angles of Vision

by Anne Wayne 11-09-1997
The subversive nature of oral history.

Bringing People Together

by Anne Wayne 09-01-1997

Volunteer Opportunities

Who's Sorry Now?

by Anne Wayne 09-01-1997
When a nation apologizes.

Excerpts from Defecting in Place

by Julie Polter, by Anne Wayne 07-01-1997
Women comment on life in the church

From the Inside Out

by Julie Polter, by Anne Wayne 07-01-1997
A conversation with Miriam Therese Winter on imagination, women in the church, and finding God between the lines.

Christian Midrash

by Julie Polter, by Anne Wayne 07-01-1997
Tapping into the imagination of God

Bringing People Together

by Anne Wayne 07-01-1997

Volunteer Opportunities

Bringing People Together

by Anne Wayne 05-01-1997

Volunteer Opportunities

Of Cribs and Capitalists

by Anne Wayne 05-01-1997
Billy Bragg's music adapts to life's changes.

Between Pork and a Hard Place

by Anne Wayne 05-01-1997
Care needed in "corporate welfare."

Victims After the Cease-Fire

by Anne Wayne 03-01-1997
The international movement to ban landmines.

Bringing People Together

by Anne Wayne 03-01-1997

Volunteer Opportunities


by Anne Wayne 01-01-1997
Bringing people together