Love Is Still a Viable Choice | Sojourners

Love Is Still a Viable Choice

Being brave has never really been my thing. But I’m trying to practice, one day at a time.
Illustration of two women painted by flames, with a shadowed outline of a third woman in front crossing her arms.
Illustration by Ryan McQuade

WHEN RAGE OR disappointment, petty or vast, grips me, I sometimes lower my blood pressure with Lyle Lovett’s song “God Will,” in which the narrator asks his unfaithful partner who will trust, love, and forgive them for a litany of sins. The narrator answers his own questions in the chorus:

God does, but I don’t
God will, but I won’t

I use these words in the moments when I’m unable to release anger or to feel love toward those who have caused harm — I may be steaming, but I’ll accept for now that God loves and will forgive the people who I won’t (for now). There, in that space between who I am and who I believe God to be, my fury and pain can bide their time.

I have muttered “God will, but I won’t” a lot since Election Day, about political leaders and operatives who infuriate me and those who voted them into power.

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