This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: December 1983

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Cover Story

The angel's message to the shepherds.


Soviet citizens work for reconciliation and peace.
Christmas in a refugee camp in Honduras.
Simple testimony from Guatemalan refugees in a Mexican village.
The coming of the Word in the Salvadoran refugee camps of Honduras.
Sermon for the first Sunday of Advent, 1933.
The world banking crisis and Third World debt.


We do not have to triumph over death by our own efforts, inspiration, and strategy.
On Kyle's fifth Christmas, he gained a new and special excitement about the birth of Jesus.
A promise of resistance.
The invasion of Grenada finally gave the Reagan administration what it has been yearning for.
We don't talk about it much. Sometimes we talk about how we're not talking about it.
A response to the U.S. invasion of Grenada.
