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Resources for Study and Action

by Marian Abrecht 09-01-1998


by Marian Abrecht 07-01-1998
Resources for Study and Action

Resources for Study and Action

Project Censored

The Clinton administration’s aggressive promotion of U.S. arms sales around the world tops Project Censored’s list of censored or underreported news stories for 1997.

Waging Peace in Nagaland

In a remote part of India, the world’s largest democracy, the democratic process came to a grinding halt recently.

U.S. Subject of Canadian Weapons Search

During the stand-off between the United States and Iraq over that country’s suspected possession of chemical and biological weapons...

Resources for Study and Action

by Marian Abrecht 05-01-1998

Resisting the Death Penalty

Peace Seekers

Longtime peacemakers Daniel and Philip Berrigan were nominated for the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize by Mairead Maguire. Maguire won the prize in 1976 for working for peace in Northern Ireland.

From Welfare to What?

While it may be too soon to tell if the 1996 Welfare Reform Act has succeeded in its goal of moving people from welfare to work, there are early signs from the streets that the attempts to make thi

Resources for Study and Action

by Marian Abrecht 03-01-1998

Poverty and Race

Promise Keepers Navigate Local Politics

While some might question Promise Keepers' stated intention of "taking back America's cities," few can criticize the volunteer labor the group has offered to the urban areas...

Mennonite Congregation Ousted

Germantown Mennonite Church, the oldest continuous Mennonite congregation in North America, has been ousted from its regional conference because of its stand on covenanted gay and lesbian couples in membership.

Plowshares Update

On October 27, longtime activist Philip Berrigan was sentenced to two years in jail for his role in a Plowshares peacemaking action in Maine.

Resources for Study and Action

by Marian Abrecht 01-01-1998


St. Dorothy Day?

Cardinal John O’Connor of New York announced that he is preparing to propose sainthood for Dorothy Day.

Editors in the News (and Comics)

Michael Kelly, the editor of The New Republic, was fired by Martin Peretz, the owner of the magazine.

Playing Hard Ball

The debate about the place of religion in the public sphere continues to be played out in all aspects of our society, even on the fields of America's national pastime, baseball.

Perks in Organizing

Starbucks workers in Vancouver, British Columbia, became the first employees in the 1,300-store coffee chain to unionize...

Freedom from Religious Persecution

People of faith generally applauded the Republican leadership's backing of the Freedom From Religious Persecution Act.