Sojourners Magazine: June 2024
Theologian Katya Tolstaya on saving Russian Orthodoxy from Putin’s agenda.
Theologian Katya Tolstaya on making sense of evil, including Putin’s ongoing war against Ukraine.
When lies and AIDS brought my parents’ facade of superiority crashing down, I lost faith – but grace found us all.
A conversation with Jonathan Tran about the “personalist” approach to race and the church's role in a reconstructed imagination.
From 2022 to 2023, there was a 92% increase in books targeted for censorship at public libraries.
Justice is built into the order of creation. We’re simply living into that reality.
We only have six years to prevent climate change from curtailing civilization.
Now on the back of quarters, Pauli Murray’s face will soon become more familiar to Americans.
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
What is any ocean but a multitude of drops?
In Zero at the Bone, the lament is just as valuable as the sermon.
In Devout: A Memoir of Doubt, Anna Gazmarian explains how poetry helped her find a real sense of belonging.
A poem.
June reflections on scripture from the Common Revised Lectionary (Cycle B).
Introducing NIBBLE, a promising new nonprofit aimed to evangelize rats.
Pacific Island Churches Fight for a Future Without Fossil Fuels
Climate financing proposed by the highest polluter nations is akin to blood money, the churches say.
An Israeli Lawmaker Against the War in Gaza
An interview with Knesset member Ofer Cassif on the Oct. 7 Hamas attack and Israel's response.