This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: July-August 1976

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Cover Story

The economics of torture, drugging dissenters, and prisons of the Shah
Free people are not having an easy time in the world today nor are we likely to in the decades ahead.
Fred Morris went to Brazil in 1964 as a missionary of the United Methodist Church and served for nearly five years in southern Brazil near Rio de Janeiro.


When this article appeared, Dom Helder was Archbishop of Recife Olinda, Brazil.
When this article appeared, Claude Pomerleau taught comparative government at the University of Notre Dame and served as Dom Helder Camara’s host when he was recently on campus to receive an honorary degree.
Pat Hostetter Martin, author of this article, went to Vietnam first in 1966 as a volunteer for the Mennonite Central Committee. She and her husband, Earl, returned to Vietnam in 1974.


Debtor. It's a word that implies obligation, responsibility.


It has been estimated that if things continue in the direction they are now going, by the year 2000 Christians of the Eastern Orthodox churches together with churches in the rest of the Western world will make up only about 40 percent of the world Christian population. 
“Remember those in prison as if you were there with them; and those who are being maltreated, for you like them are still in the world” (Hebrews 13:3).