Sojourners Magazine: July 2021
Time for a new paradigm in Palestine/Israel? Why settlements have made a two-state solution impossible.
Israeli settlements have made a viable Palestinian state impossible. Finding a new path to peace in the Middle East.
The process of giving away La Casa was both highly logical and deeply mystical.
The untenability of the two-state paradigm necessitates a shift in our thinking.
Israeli settlements have made the two-state approach impossible, and thus made clear the need for a shift in our thinking.
We are more than inherited doctrines and practices.
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
The singer-songwriter finds a great deal of hope in the hymns he grew up with.
Amid all this noise, the quiet biblical Book of Ruth has something to say.
A poem.
July reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle B.
From our guest humor columnist.
U.S. Children Are in Crisis—Relief Must be Permanent
Emergency relief isn't enough to counter decades of poverty.