Posts By This Author

From the Editors

by The Editors 08-01-2011

Mohandas Gandhi was keenly aware of the root causes of hunger, and he knew that the problem was not a lack of resources on God’s good earth.

From the Editors

by The Editors 07-01-2011

Using online and wireless communication to organize large, diverse groups of people has been a key component of the nonviolent Arab Spring uprisings.

From the Editors

by The Editors 06-03-2011

Every gun that is made is, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed.

Resources on Christian and Nuclear Weapons

by The Editors 05-01-2010

David Cortright writes in his article in th

A Daniel Berrigan Reading List

by The Editors 03-01-2010
Sojourners / Bob Fitch

Photo via Sojourners / Bob Fitch

Here is a list of books written by and about Daniel Berrigan. This list is by no means exhaustive.

Indigenous theologians discuss embracing their culture

by The Editors 06-01-2009

Indigenous theologians Richard Twiss, Terry LeBlanc, and Raymond Aldred discuss the importance of reviving Native American theology as a way of reclaiming culture.

Inside Story

by The Editors 12-01-2008

The economic crisis presents particular challenges and questions for people of faith: What is the appropriate Christian response?

Restoring America's Standing in the World

by The Editors 12-01-2008

When President Bush leaves office in January, he’ll take with him the cadre of neo-cons who shaped the administration’s foreign policy over the last eight years.

Inside Story

by The Editors 11-01-2008
From the Editors

From the Editors

Inside Story

by The Editors 09-01-2008

You may recall that the cover of our August issue featured Elizabeth Edwards, spouse of John Edwards, one of the subjects of this month’s cover.

Inside Story

by The Editors 08-01-2008

With the party conventions approaching, the presidential campaign officially heads toward the homestretch, and many of us are evaluating the proposals that the candidates and their parties believe

Inside Story

by The Editors 07-01-2008

News and images of the world food crisis have been hard to bear these last few months—skyrocketing food prices have provoked desperate rioting in many countries, including Haiti, Kenya, Mexic

Inside Story

by The Editors 06-01-2008

We're fortunate at Sojourners in that we receive regular infusions of energy and enthusiasm from the many interns who contribute to our work.

Inside Story

by The Editors 05-01-2008

When we sat down to plan this special issue on faith and money, the tune buzzing in the back of our heads was from that catchy Sunday school song, "This Little Light of Mine"-specifically the line,

SPECIAL WEB EXTRA: Serving God with Our Money, in Boom Times and Bust

by The Editors 05-01-2008

How can we turn our money toward service to God and others? Get started with this guide to dozens of Web sites with nuts-and-bolts advice.

Inside Story

by The Editors 04-01-2008

It's easy-and human-to apply labels according to our assumptions. But we know that categorizing anything, especially whole groups of people, is risky business.

New and Noteworthy

by The Editors 03-01-2008

Reading the Red Letters

Inside Story

by The Editors 03-01-2008

While the ongoing U.S.

New and Noteworthy

by The Editors 02-01-2008

Suffer the Children

New and Noteworthy

by The Editors 01-01-2008

Plan of Action