Many congregations lament that young adults are leaving church these days. So we asked former Sojourners interns Anne Marie Roderick and Joshua Witchger to share what keeps them in the pews. Find out what these two 20-somethings have to say in “‘Relevance’ is Not Enough” (February 2013) as they reveal some of their most treasured spiritual practices, including bread-making.
Expand your own understanding of Christian faith and practice. Try this bread recipe, compliments of Sojourners magazine associate editor Elizabeth Palmberg.
Step 1: MIX
-4 cups bread flour (or whole wheat flour, or all-purpose white flour)
-1.5 teaspoons salt
-heaping 1/2 teaspoon yeast
-2 to 2-¾ cups water
- In a large bowl, stir together dry ingredients. Then mix in water; start with 2 cups and add more as needed (if you have strands of dough covered with flour, you are almost there).
- Cover loosely and let sit on counter (or in warm, turned-off oven) 8 to 12 hours. Amazing flavor develops now! Read “‘Relevance’ is Not Enough" while you wait.
Step 2: FOLD
- With a spatula, fold the dough over on itself firmly a dozen times. Dough will deflate.
- Re-cover loosely and let rise an hour or more.
Step 3: BAKE
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