Given the deluge of money in politics and the mud-slinging in political ads, it’s tempting to become cynical and not vote in this election. But, as Jim Wallis explains in his latest Sojourners magazine cover story “How to Choose a President,” “Even in a broken political system, the apathy of not voting only further deepens our problems. Engagement is required for Christian citizens, but not only at election time.”
Sojourners encourages you to develop a robust and well-informed conscience during elections and beyond. While we must be careful about translating scripture directly into public policy positions, we can measure candidates and their platforms against Christian ethics and values.
To help you vote your conscience, Sojourners has published an election guide of principles and policies. We encourage you to use this guide to educate yourself and your community about the issues. This can inform you as you write letters to candidates or to your local newspaper, call radio talk shows, or participate in forums and town hall meetings.
Think and pray about whom you would entrust with the responsibility to lead your community, state, and nation. And then after Nov. 6, hold your elected officials accountable.
Counter cynicism and uphold the common good—vote your conscience.
Download Sojourners’ FREE Voting Guide
Read "How to Choose a President"
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