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VIDEO: Travel with Us—A Visual Poem
The SOLD Project's hopeful vision to end human trafficking
SLIDESHOW: Moral March Photos
On a cold day this past February, seminary student Sara Wolcott boarded a bus in New York to attend the Moral March in North Carolina.
VIDEO: How to Build a Memorial Prayer Altar
Create your own memorial prayer altar in remembrance of those you love and will never forget.
Better Together
The Moral Mondays model seems to be spreading.
VIDEO: What is a Watershed?
What is a watershed? And why does it matter?
VIDEO: "American Promise"
What does it take to educate and parent African-American children, all while maintaining family values?
VIDEO: The Real-Life Vicar of Dibley
Rev. Joy Carroll Wallis, one of the first women ordained in the Church of England, is the real-life vicar of Dibley.
MAP: Detention Facilities in the U.S.
The United States maintains 33,400 beds and spends nearly $2 billion a year on the detention of immigrants under the dubious banner of "security."
VIDEO: "Pastrix" Nadia Bolz-Weber
Nadia Bolz-Weber, pastor of the House of All Sinners and Saints in Denver, Colo., talks to CNN.
STUDY: An Evangelical Call to Action on Climate Change
If you think it’s impossible to change evangelicals’ views on climate change, think again.
MAP: Does Your State Pay a Fair Wage?
As the federal minimum wage stagnates at $7.25 an hour, many states have taken the lead to raise wages on their own. Where does your state stand?
PHOTOS: Meet the Pope's Deputies
Pope Francis' recently named 19 new cardinals—half of which hail from non-European countries—to serve the Roman Catholic Church.
VIDEO: Proud To Be
Indigenous American leaders speak out against the Washington NFL team’s mascot.
VIDEO: The La Puya Resistance
In La Puya, Guatemala, Christian community members are nonviolently standing up against gold and silver mining companies.
Moriel Rothman's Spoken Word Poetry
Moriel Rothman speaks candidly about his decision to not serve in the Israel Defense Forces.
VIDEO: Poetry Reading by Yehoshua November
Hasidic poet, Yehoshua November, on the mystery of God.
VIDEO: Lifting Up Women's Voices
Learn more about the Sojourners Women and Girls (SWAG) work.