Danny Duncan Collum, author of the novel White Boy, teaches writing at Kentucky State University in Frankfort. 

Posts By This Author

A Dream Come True

by Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-1989

For the past eight years, the Solidarity-led opposition in Poland has carefully charted a course toward democracy and self-determination.

Black to the Future

by Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-1989

As the folks at Mazda are always reminding us, the 1980s-going-on-'90s are really the 1950s. 

Flagged Out

by Danny Duncan Collum 10-01-1989

There's something reassuring about the fact that the flag, the old Stars and Stripes, can still kick up so much popular controversy.

Nestle Boycott: The Sequel

by Danny Duncan Collum 10-01-1989

As you might recall, in the late 1970s and early '80s, a broad international coalition of church, health-care, and community groups waged a 7-year-long campaign against Nestle S.A

Old Thinking and New Weapons

by Danny Duncan Collum 08-01-1989

The month of August marks the 44th birthday of the nuclear age. On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

The Real Deal on Dope

by Danny Duncan Collum 08-01-1989

The usual rap on TV cop shows is that they trivialize real life-and-death matters into a glossy package of sanitized violence designed to sell soap and soda pop.

Paying the Savings and Loan Bill

by Danny Duncan Collum 07-01-1989

When Mr. Bush came back to Washington, the crisis in the savings and loan industry finally emerged on the public agenda.

The Last Dear Abbie Letter

by Danny Duncan Collum 07-01-1989

For this future cultural analyst, the legendary '60s were an after-school special. 

Say a Prayer for the Salt of the Earth

by Danny Duncan Collum 06-01-1989

Political philosophers tell us that one of the great driving forces of human history is the tension between individualism (or liberty) and community (or equality).

The Iron Curtain of Secrecy

by Danny Duncan Collum 05-01-1989

Winston Churchill's metaphorical Iron Curtain between East and West may be lifting in these days of glasnost, detente, and other foreign phrases.

Someday in the far-distant future...

by Danny Duncan Collum 05-01-1989

Someday in the far-distant future, some 23rd-century Mel Brooks may make a satirical film called The History of the World: Part MCXXXXVII.

Talk Radio

by Danny Duncan Collum 04-01-1989

The ad line for the new Oliver Stone-Eric Bogosian film, Talk Radio, gets my first nomination for The 1989 William Jennings Bryan "Cross of Gold" Award.

Rap in America

by Danny Duncan Collum 03-01-1989
Eyes & Ears

Eyes & Ears

Growing Terror and Limited Rights in Northern Ireland

by Danny Duncan Collum 03-01-1989

With the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Scotland, terrorism, as human tragedy, media sensation, and political catch-all, is back with a vengeance.

Twenty-Five Years Later

by Danny Duncan Collum 02-01-1989

As this is written on November 22, 1988, the pop-cultural atmosphere is a-swamp with remembrance of things Kennedy.

The Shock of Recognition

by Danny Duncan Collum 02-01-1989

In the waning weeks of 1988, a wave of shocks hit the Middle East. The source of the shock wave was not an earthquake or, for once, an aerial bombardment. The earth, in fact, stood still.

The State of the Union: Perspectives on the Post-Election Political Terrain

by Danny Duncan Collum 02-01-1989

An Opening for Populism

A Red-Letter Year

by Danny Duncan Collum 01-01-1989

The 1987-88 pop culture season was definitely a red-letter year. And the letter was Hawthorne's scarlet "A." That's for adultery, in case your high school lit is rusty.

Cinematic Presidencies

by Danny Duncan Collum 12-01-1988

Ronald Reagan, it is said, has run America's first cinematic presidency, often taking his ideological cues and policy prescriptions from his familiar world of the silver screen.

Hussein's Middle East Gambit

by Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-1988

The revealing nature of America's closest friends in the Arab world