Aaron McCarroll Gallegos manages social media for the United Church of Canada and was a founding member of D.C. Barrios Unidos, a gang intervention group.
Posts By This Author
Freedom from Religious Persecution
People of faith generally applauded the Republican leadership's backing of the Freedom From Religious Persecution Act.
Editors in the News (and Comics)
Michael Kelly, the editor of The New Republic, was fired by Martin Peretz, the owner of the magazine.
Playing Hard Ball
The debate about the place of religion in the public sphere continues to be played out in all aspects of our society, even on the fields of America's national pastime, baseball.
Big McLibel
In awarding McDonald's $98,000 in a libel case against two vegetarian activists, a British judge found that some of the charges the activists made were true.
Fox and the Family
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows, and apparently so does the media business.
An Adherence to Truth?
Under pressure from conservative Christian organizations, the International Bible Society has scrapped its plans to publish a gender-neutral version of its popular NIV bible.
Crisis in Sierra Leone
Violence continues in the aftermath of the recent coup in Sierra Leone.
Go to Jail, Not Chapel
At Iliff School of Theology in Denver, a seminary considered to be one of the country's more liberal, a group of students protesting in the chapel were surprised when the Denver Police Department arrived, handcuffed them, and hauled them to jail.
National Ten Point Coalition
Citing the existence of "a generation of de facto orphans now drowning in their own blood," the Ten Point Coalition, a church-based anti-crime network based in Boston, is ex
Briefly Noted
The Seamless Garment Network, a diverse coalition of more than 150 groups advocating a "consistent life ethic," celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.
Chernobyl From the Sky?
In what has been called the "Top Censored Story of 1996," NASA has plans to launch 72.3 pounds of deadly plutonium-238 aboard its Cassini probe to Saturn on October 6, 1997.
A Day Without the Pentagon
The War Resisters League, a 75-year-old pacifist organization, is launching a new campaign to help people realize what it would be possible to accomplish in their communities if
Strawberry Fields
As the first fruits of the strawberry season appear in supermarkets across the country, farmworkers, labor activists, and members of the religious community are organizing to demand better conditions...
Friends of Sabeel, North America
Much of the world sees the peace process in Palestine and Israel as taking place between Muslims and Jews, forgetting that there are many Palestinian Christians who are also affe
The Reconquest of El Salvador
In spite of the end of the civil war in El Salvador and a strong challenge in the March 16 elections to ARENA...
Briefly Noted
The online magazine Slate reported recently that statisticians have been unable to disprove the existence of "Torah codes" in the Hebrew scriptures.