Weekly Wrap 6.9.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 6.9.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. A Simple Guide to the U.K. Election Result

What happened while you were sleeping, and what exactly a “hung parliament” means.

2. In Texas, Abstinence-Only Programs May Contribute to Teen Pregnancies

Teen pregnancy rates are down nationwide, but Texas is an outlier in its slower decline. Every year, about 35,000 teens and young women get pregnant before 20.

3. The Presidential Pardon’s Roots in Christian Faith

A historical look at how we got the presidential pardon — and how it’s changing in a Trump administration.

4. How Millennials Are Reinventing Priesthood

1,900 men under age 30 were enrolled in graduate-level Catholic seminaries in 2016, up from 1,300 in 2005. Learn more about this new generation of priests at TIME.

5. We’re Having the Wrong Conversation About Food and Cultural Appropriation

“You’re pitting this as a fight between two Goliaths. It’s more like David and Goliath.”

6. How to Change Unrecognized Bias in the Church

“The church must become educated in why certain phrases, labels, and attitudes are hurtful. Widespread re-education, or decolonization, of American history must become a part of our church conversations if we are to begin the process of healing.”

7. America’s Hidden H.I.V. Epidemic

Black gay and bisexual men in the U.S. have a higher H.I.V. rate than any other country in the world. Find out what’s behind the startling statistic.

8. Ecumenical History Under the Radar

While Donald Trump was meeting with Pope Francis last month, another historic meeting was taking place — one that could affect the future of the global Christian church.

9. The Story of James Comey’s Most Explosive Investigation — in College

As a staff writer for The Flat Hat — William and Mary’s student newspaper — Comey in 1980 penned a three-part series on the importance of recruiting black students and faculty at the university.

10. How the Jewish Identity of Wonder Woman’s Star Is Causing a Stir

Lebanon banned the film, and Jordan is also considering a ban.