SNL’s ‘Claire from HR:’ Sexual Harassment ‘Actual Reality for Half of the Population’ | Sojourners

SNL’s ‘Claire from HR:’ Sexual Harassment ‘Actual Reality for Half of the Population’

On the Nov. 11 "Weekend Update" on Saturday Night Live, Cecily Strong's character, "Claire from HR," frenetically quizzes co-anchor Colin Jost on workplace sexual harassment policies in light of the recent onslaught of sexual assault allegations

Strong's character is a dishelved and overwrought representative from Human Resources, struggling to keep up with the continuous stream of sexual harassment and assault cases. She reviews sexual harassment policies with questions clearly referencing some of the accused men, like Harvey Weinstein and Louis C.K. 

Strong quizzes Jost, "What is the appropriate way to handle a workplace relationship? A) inform someone at HR? B) lock her in a room and make her look at it? Or C) bully her out of the entire industry?”

When Jost answers correctly, Strong says, “You would be surprised how many people get that wrong. It could almost make you lose your mind."

"I will probably be back next week and the week after that forever and ever,” Strong concludes, “because this isn't just a scandal. It didn't just start this week. It's just actual reality for half of the population.”

Watch the full segment below: