
Bob Goudzwaard 5-28-2009
If the financial crisis shows anything, it's that what's happening on Wall Street matters to Main Street, and that we should never take "it's too complicated for you to understand" as an answer
Jim Wallis 5-22-2009
I'm in Germany at the biannual Kirchentag festival of faith of the German churches, so I missed the news and analysis of President Barack Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney's spee
Elizabeth Palmberg 4-23-2009
Often, when we hear about global warming, what we get on the news is statistics that are hard to take in.
Jim Wallis 3-24-2009
Next week, leaders of the G-20, the 19 countries with the largest economies and the European Union, will meet in London.
Andy Clasper 3-23-2009
It would have been the last thing they expected. They thought this was their chance to discredit him on a point of law they thought was safe ground.
Jim Wallis 2-26-2009
While at Yale last weekend, I had the opportunity to eat breakfast with a bright group of young students. One of the topics we touched on was interfaith dialogue.
Nontando Hadebe 1-21-2009
What an amazing and inspiring event. Our TV networks had the event 'live' so we could share this moment with the citizens of the USA!