
Neeraj Mehta 8-17-2009
I went to the grocery store at midnight the other night.

Is it just me or are the lights at the grocery story brighter at midnight?

We learned the story in Sunday school:

Kevin Lum 8-11-2009
Jim Wallis and other faith leaders from across America kicked off "40 Days for Health Reform"
Jim Wallis 8-11-2009
Last Thursday, I wrote about truth-
Gareth Higgins 8-10-2009
Regular readers will know that in the past year, I embarked on a genuinely life-altering journey. I emigrated to the United States, got married, and now make my home in North Carolina.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), article 25 paragraph 1 says: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, i
Mary Nelson 7-27-2009
We need health-care reform to ensure that others aren't caught in the web of inconsistent mental health care and the inability to get needed medicine.
Just peace theory recognizes that there is more than one kind of violence.
LaVonne Neff 7-22-2009
Various Web sites and e-mails are reporting that cancer survival rates are much higher in the U.S. than in various European countries.
Tracey Bianchi 7-22-2009

[continued from part 1] ... Here is why I am not about to toss my kids into the car and dash out for cheap juice boxes:

Rose Marie Berger 7-21-2009
Debates on our national system of providing health care are raging in political a
Tracey Bianchi 7-21-2009

Well color me happy (as the saying goes): Wal-Mart just released a big claim to be greening up its act. But what does their claim really mean and how do we define what corporate green looks like anyway? Especially since lately, corporate green seems to grow everywhere, at times fertilized by a healthy dose of corporate greed.

LaVonne Neff 7-20-2009
I recently sent an e-mail about health care to my congressman, Peter Roskam (R-IL, 6th District), through his Web site.

A white woman is raped by a black man in North Carolina. During the assault, she studies his face, determined to bring him to justice. She later identifies a suspect both in photos and in-person line-ups. Only she's wrong.

Anne Dunlap 7-14-2009

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

Rose Marie Berger 7-10-2009
The number of executions worldwide nearly doubled last year compared with 2007, according to a
Jim Wallis 7-09-2009
As the G8 Summit begins in Italy, Pope Benedict XVI has released a new encyclical on the global economy.