
Andrew Wainer 11-04-2010
"We need immigration reform
I am not happy with the results of the 2010 elections. I think the elections turned on misinformation, anger, and fear.
Jim Wallis 11-03-2010
This election, some good people were elected and other good people lost.
Sheldon Good 11-01-2010

On my way back to Pennsylvania after attending Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity in Washington, D.C. last Saturday, I couldn't get one sign out of my head which read, "It's too bad we even need a rally to restore SANITY."

Claire Lorentzen 10-27-2010
Are you tired of reading about the Tea Party? The group represents 11 percent of our population, yet it has been on the front cover of every national newspaper for months now.
Jim Wallis 10-22-2010

You have to wonder -- when political ads focus on a college prank pulled by your opponent -- what else could that money have gone to?

Here's a logic lesson for you: Both Beck and Grayson use the argument "If A is a B, and A is also a C, then all Bs are Cs." And they shouldn't use this kind of argument.
Jim Wallis 9-30-2010

Glenn Beck can do better. Fox News can do better. When it comes to upholding truth and having civil dialogues, let's be honest, we all can do better.

Jim Wallis 9-23-2010

Let's try it. For the next six weeks before the election, let's focus on truth and civility.

Jim Wallis 9-21-2010
The world needs President Barack Obama to be a global leader on HIV/AIDS.

It is the time it takes to say the Lord's Prayer three times. Sixty seconds. One minute. On September 21, 2010, U.N.
Karen Lattea 9-10-2010

In 1979, then-President Jimmy Carter announced the installation of solar panels on the White House roof.

Johnathan Smith 8-16-2010
Remember January 2009? That month, the country witnessed the historic inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America.