nuclear energy

the Web Editors 6-30-2015

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"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Rom 12:18 NIV) 

Together with forty other organizations, Sojourners is calling on Congress to support the nuclear deal currently being negotiated with Iran. Sojourn have choice to either act to promote peace and restrain Iran from building nuclear weapons or to slide towards war.

"The following organizations, representing millions of Americans, urge you to support the strong nuclear deal being negotiated currently between world powers and Iran," the letter reads.

Marie Dennis 8-01-2011

Hiroshima and Fukushima remind us that civilian and military nuclear technology go hand in hand.

Jim Wallis 5-31-2011

Despite the ongoing catastrophe of nuclear reactor meltdowns following last spring's earthquake, the Japanese people remain largely supportive of nuclear energy.