
Jennifer Wheeler 4-12-2010
The legal definition of Child Support is "periodic monetary payments by the non-custodial parent for the care of his or her minor child." In our country, non-custodial parents are usually obligat
Ernesto Tinajero 3-03-2010
I have been reluctant to write about health care recently.
Heidi L. Thompson 12-17-2009

At a recent holiday party, I tried to describe my hometown of Warren, Ohio.

"Warren?" I said. "Well, it's a lot like Detroit. With none of the perks."

Ernesto Tinajero 12-02-2009
What to do as a Christian when presented with an injustice? I missed.
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 12-01-2009
December 1 is World AIDS Day. December 1 is also the day that Rosa Parks refused to yield her seat on a bus in Montgomery.
Randy Woodley 10-12-2009
Gurgen Bakhshetsyan /

Photo via Gurgen Bakhshetsyan /

As an explorer, Columbus was not the first to reach the Western Hemisphere. Native Americans had been here for 10,000-20,000 years, and Vikings and Chinese are among those others who hold prior claims. Even after four attempts, Columbus never realized his goal of finding a western ocean route to Asia. As a “founding father type figure” he never set foot in what is now considered America but landed in the present day Bahamas, Cuba, and Haiti. 

As a Christian example he enacted terrible cruelties to friendly natives: assuming unlawful rights of authority; robbing and subjugating whole nations of their freedom and entire capital; allowing his men to rape, murder and pillage at will; and deliberately leading the way for the genocide of millions, considered by many to be the worst demographic catastrophe in recorded history.

So why do Americans celebrate Columbus Day?

Steve Taylor 10-05-2009
Recently, I learned that my parents' home is being foreclosed on.
The United States is the richest nation on earth. It has some of the best-trained physicians and best medical facilities on earth. It is a leader in medical innovation and medical education.
Arthur Jones 9-01-2009
As the debate over health-care reform heats up, conflicting claims from both sides make it increasingly difficult to sort out the issues and choose a position for which to advocate.
Arthur Waskow 8-28-2009
For 25 years I have been a member of a private health insurance plan that seemed to be meeting my needs. My problems were routine, and so were their responses.

Asma Mobin-Uddin 8-25-2009
As representatives from many different faiths, we stand together today, united in our support for health-care reform so that affordable, quality health care can be made available to all.
Cesar Baldelomar 8-19-2009
As debates rage over the proposed health-care reform (which I strongly support), I believe many politicians, activists, religious leaders, and ideologues are missing an essential point.
Katherine Marshall 8-17-2009
Hospital waiting rooms are glum places pretty much everywhere. People, sick or injured, wait and wait and wait. Nowhere are the huge gaps between rich and poor so graphically in evidence.
Mary Nelson 7-27-2009
We need health-care reform to ensure that others aren't caught in the web of inconsistent mental health care and the inability to get needed medicine.
LaVonne Neff 7-22-2009
Various Web sites and e-mails are reporting that cancer survival rates are much higher in the U.S. than in various European countries.