
Nadia Bolz-Weber 10-02-2008

To say that Christian television is "not my thing" doesn't even get close.

David Westin 10-02-2008
David Westin, president of ABC News, was the speaker at Poverty Sunday this last week at his hom
Marcia Ford 9-30-2008
While most political junkies were distracted by the big news of the week - the economic meltdown, the first presidential debate - the good people at Zogby Internatio
Jeannie Choi 9-26-2008
During the final week of the 2000 presidential election, I was in the fall semester of my freshman year in college, feeling incredibly hungry-hungrier than I had ever been before.
Rev. Romal J. Tune 8-04-2008

[... continued from part 1]

All I'm trying to say is that whether we wear the label of Christian conservative or Christian liberal, what matters most is that we are Christian. The Bible reminds us that there is no male or female, Jew or gentile, bond or free, but in Christ we are all the same, sinners saved by grace.

What I've learned is that many of my liberal and [...]

Rev. Romal J. Tune 8-01-2008

It wasn't until I started working in the world of religion and politics with advocacy organizations on Capitol Hill that I ever heard anyone define Christians as liberal or conservative. These terms were not used in my church experience. But when I recall different experiences working in the church, I can see how some members of the churches where I worshiped then, where I worship now, and in congregations across the country, fit into these categories. I've found it difficult to [...]

Jim Wallis 6-17-2008

Beliefnet invited Jim Wallis to participate in a "blogalogue" with David Klinghoffer, author of How Would God Vote? Why the Bible Commands You to Be a Conservative. Here's Jim's response to David's latest post, "The Theme is Moral Responsibility."

Your post is difficult to respond to. I am not interested in trying to debunk [...]