Civil Disobedience

Aaron Taylor 7-13-2009

Mauritania is a land of striking beauty, with sand dunes lined against the sky, Bedouins riding camels in the countryside, and flying beetles that look like they come straight from the abyss of the Apocalypse. Mauritania is also a land of extremes-extreme beauty, extreme hospitality, and lately, extreme religion.

Jim Wallis 7-06-2009
The page one story in Sunday's New York Times is one that I have been waiting for for a long time.
Chris Hoke 3-31-2009
In Sojourners' April issue, Tierra Neuva gang chaplain Chris Hoke
John Fanestil 2-11-2009

090211-karl-hoffman-2Each Sunday afternoon, people from San Diego and Tijuana gather to celebrate communion at a seaside plaza on the U.S.-Mexico border, where families and friends have been meeting for generations to visit through the border fence.

Jim Wallis 4-01-2008
After 40 years, we might finally be ready to come out of the wilderness.
Joe Roos 8-01-2007
A reflection on the cost of discipleship.
Rose Marie Berger 9-01-2006

Catholic priest Carl Kabat and military veterans Greg Boertje-Obed and Michael Walli led a Plowshares direct action against nuclear weapons when they entered the E-9 missile silo in North Dakota la

Jeff Carr 7-01-2006
'Remember you were once foreigners...'
Robert Roth 4-01-2006

Peter's denials and Judas' betrayal foreshadow the reactionary horror to come.

Bruce Petersen 3-01-2006
Why I felt called to civil disobedience.
Rose Marie Berger 3-01-2006

U.S. Capitol Police arrested 115 religious leaders in front of the Cannon House Office Building in Washington, D.C., in December while they knelt on the steps to pray and protest the planned federal budget cuts to social programs that aid the poor. The event was organized by Sojourners and Call to Renewal. “I have lived and worked among the poor for 12-plus years,” Denver-based participant Michelle Warren told Sojourners. “I am an evangelical Christian and we, as evangelicals, need to advocate for the poor. Today was just the beginning.”

Rose Marie Berger 12-01-2005
The arrest slip identified my 'property' as a Bible, a set of keys, and shoelaces.
John Fleming 4-01-2005

A 40-year-old civil rights murder mystery, and the former state trooper who holds the answer.

John Fleming 4-01-2005

Uncut interview with the man at the center of the Jimmy Lee Jackson murder case.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada has decided that breaking the law can be a Christian duty.

Four Plowshares activists led by Philip Berrigan entered an Air National Guard base in Essex, Maryland, in late December to disarm A-10 Warthog aircraft

Carol Wilkerson 3-01-1996

The law is our mutually created instrument to protect impartially the common good and individual rights from abuses by individuals, groups, or the state.

Various Authors 3-01-1996

What do we do when conscience and the law are at odds?

Dee Dee Risher 3-01-1996

The political leaders in place at this time are constructing social policy and vision that is fundamentally destructive of human life and well-being, particularly of those most marginalized by our governmental system.

Paul Weiss 3-01-1996

Jesus made it clear that we must love our brothers and sisters as he loved us.