
Stephen Flohr 1-25-2010

It was 3 a.m. when they came barreling into town -- Israeli jeeps and tanks preempting the dawn and hollering menacing messages over their loudspeakers.

Ruth Hawley-Lowry 1-15-2010

This year, as we celebrate the birth of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. we are too often tempted to celebrate what has been achieved rather than examine what God continues to call out of us. Hopefully we know that there is no such thing as "post-racial," even after the election of an African American president.

Tony Campolo 1-14-2010
By now you have heard that there was a major earthquake in Haiti yesterday, which brought much of Port-au-Prince to the ground and also devastated other areas where our ministries work.
Steve Holt 11-27-2009

Imagine for a minute the fallout were a Muslim high school in America to choose for its mascot "the Jihadists."

In that light, how do you think Muslims (or Jews) view Christian schools whose mascot is "the Crusaders?"

Logan Isaac 11-11-2009
Nobody today will be able to celebrate our many veterans without the memory of Fort Hood<
Logan Isaac 8-04-2009
I'm a big fan of iTunesU, and I usually try to listen to informative podcasts on long drives, since I can't read and drive simultaneously.
Nontando Hadebe 7-27-2009
The government of Zimbabwe, in a groundbreaking move, dedicated this past weekend to renouncing political violence and promoting national healing.
Nadia Bolz-Weber 7-01-2009

Last Sunday I got a call at 11 a.m. It was Rachel Pater calling from her home town church (denomination to remain unnamed). It took several minutes before she could form a proper sentence through her sobs. Finally in a shaky voice, this came out: "I'm at my parent's church ... they are doing communion ...

Eugene Cho 4-10-2009
There are numerous significant theological and biblical meanings behind the Last Supper (Passover Seder) and while the pursuit
Lent is a season of transition. It is a season of fasting, reflection, penance, and preparation.
Arthur Waskow 1-29-2009
Beyond anguish, what can we say about the massive death and destruction in Gaza and the traumatic fear of falling rockets in Israel?
Why do we value blood and tears so cheap? Is it because we all own them? When we grieve the various losses that life brings to us, the tears seem to flow from some inexhaustible source.